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Feb 29, 2008

Give peace a chance

Give peace a chance, originally uploaded by Perla*.

Well, I guess this time it is really happening: I am scheduled to embark this coming Thursday and since we are moving to a new home during this weekend I'll be gone for at least a little over a month and a half.
I'll try to come visit you all and see - and comment - on your work during this period of time but since I won't be using my own computer, I can't guarantee anything... I promise do my best, tough!
Cheers to all :-)

For One Million Peace Signs group

for a cup of joe.

more on heroes

sparky-080228a, originally uploaded by beachblogger42.

Professor Philip Zimbardo, creator of the famous Stanford Prison Experiment in the 1971 which put students into a prison setting, randomly chosen to be either guards or prisoners.

Wired: You've said that the way to prevent evil actions is to teach the "banality of kindness" -- that is, to get society to exemplify ordinary people who engage in extraordinary moral actions. How do you do this?

Zimbardo: If you can agree on a certain number of things that are morally wrong, then one way to counteract them is by training kids. There are some programs, starting in the fifth grade, which get kids to think about the heroic mentality, the heroic imagination.

To be a hero you have to take action on behalf of someone else or some principle and you have to be deviant in your society, because the group is always saying don't do it; don't step out of line. If you're an accountant at Arthur Andersen, everyone who is doing the defrauding is telling you, "Hey, be one of the team."

Heroes have to always, at the heroic decisive moment, break from the crowd and do something different. But a heroic act involves a risk. If you're a whistle-blower you're going to get fired, you're not going to get promoted, you're going to get ostracized. And you have to say it doesn't matter.

Most heroes are more effective when they're social heroes rather than isolated heroes. A single person or even two can get dismissed by the system. But once you have three people, then it's the start of an opposition.

So what I'm trying to promote is not only the importance of each individual thinking "I'm a hero" and waiting for the right situation to come along in which I will act on behalf of some people or some principle, but also, "I'm going to learn the skills to influence other people to join me in that heroic action."

wired story

more on boingboing

Zoey Gets Hate Mail but for a Good Cause

Well, here's the story. First time ever, (that'd be mostly the Me of Us out here at weboing) got some hate email. Y'all know I've been asking (ok begging) for Peace People to send in Peace Hero pieces for, I started asking on the flickr OMPS discussion group. John Lennon, no problem..I asked for 10 "whys", got 'em fast, put the lot of 'em up on the Peace Heros Page.
How 'bout Cindy Sheehan thought I? Put it up there, and there's some dissent....we're fine with helps me get clearer in my own convictions, by forcing me to problem.
So I dissent with the dissenters, firm up my own convictions (which were sorta cloudy when I posted the discussion...I figured all y'all would clarify CS as Peace Hero and I'd learn from that) and I'm waiting for some OMPS people to add to the discussion.
I get a minimum of 100 emails to every day....I read 'em all, I answer as many as I can...
Got my first NastyGram today. Ugh.

Certainly we don't have to all agree on ALL the Peace we don't all agree on favorite football teams or food faves or heck...political candidates. But the NastyGram sucked. I wished the guy peace and I didn't even cross my fingers when I typed it...

So that's my first blog of this the day of Leap Year and all that.

Vermont Ferret took this pic. Thanks for sending it! Folks, read this in your very best Vermont dialect :)
"Cindy Sheehan inside the big tent at Camp Casey. Behind her you can see the painted banner honoring her son and the camp's namesake, Casey Sheehan. To the left of the banner is an oversized, painted wooden casket with the names of the Americans who have died in Iraq inscribed on the side."


Here's another peace hero to me: Ava Lowery. This is how she signed the peace banner. She has made some great videos and stood up to people trying to shout her down.

her blog: peace takes courage 

Another is Dave Patterson, am member of Veterans for Peace. He said: "If you're not a Veteran for peace, what are you a veteran for?" 

Pray for Peace

Originally uploaded by beachblogger42
Lately, I've been posting with the theme that the words of the prophets are written on the wall, er, or 'on banners hung on garage doors.'

Here is piece of art with a Pro-Peace message, poliARTical, and I'm posting it in honor of Ann Wright, Barbara Cummings and YOU.

Thanks for teaching me about two new Peacers, Beachblogger!

The banner says, "If you aren't Praying for PEACE, what are you praying for?"

I applaud, I pray, and say, "If Peace doesn't matter today, what is tomorrow gonna be worth?"

Love you-Alix

Feb 28, 2008

and justice for all?

and justice for all?
Originally uploaded by justonlysteve
Beautifying space with ideas of Peace and Liberty.

I wonder which came first..or if they happened at the same time? The Peace sign looks as though it could have been etched first and the stencil came afterwards...

"Individual liberty is individual power, and as the power of a community is a mass compounded of individual powers, the nation which enjoys the most freedom must necessarily be in proportion to its numbers the most powerful nation"
John Adams


peace, originally uploaded by asdfalice.


Feb 27, 2008

like a candle in the wind

never too late for peace

Originally uploaded by Mary Hockenbery (reddirtrose)
this picture moved me because it shows that it doesn't matter how old you are- you never stop being a person. thinking and feeling people stand for what they believe in and they do the right thing- not matter what. to me- that is inspiring.

7-14-21 Peace...

7-14-21, originally uploaded by broox.

I found him...broox that is...he is cool. This isn't him; we're thinking he's behind the camera on this one and we recognize 7-14-21 as a dice game I believe, which can involve drinking. So anywayz...I was out prosteletyzing for peace and found one of broox's Peace totally unlike this one...and I loved it. I asked him to Join the OMPS Cult and to bring his peace pix along...I was rewarded handsomely with a passle of peace pix...I chose this one really for the expression on the face of the lady in pink back there under the dart board. We imagine the conversation at that table and we smile :)

Yeah, you'll be seeing more broox in these here parts...

Taking Full Credit for Finding Broox

Maui Volcano Peace II

Maui Volcano Peace II, originally uploaded by Boris Kafka.

OK Peace People...we found Boris. He has this fantastic set of Peace Pix that he's been collecting for a few years, and he's adding them all to OMPS. This one is Maui Volcano Peace....and having never seen a volcano, I'm not sure that I'd find it "peaceful"...I'm of the Gilligan's Island mentality that volcanoes are big and bad...

Stay tuned for lots more Boris. He travels all around...poking his camera into exotic places all over the globe...we're hoping he sends us Peace Pix from everywhere he goes :)

Maybe we need a "Where's Boris?" game...whadd'ya think? Would anyone have guessed Maui for this one? The next time I post a Boris pic I'm gonna make you guess...

Welcome Boris! Peace! Lots of it!
zoey et al

Peace can even be creepy...

shookiemookie's caption and tags won me over on this one...he explained :
"He just said " this bus is going into the fiery pit" and then the peace sign for the photo (he was a little confused)."

The tags suggest that this is the Clark St. bus in Chicago...been there, done that, and might have sat near this guy, thereby doubling the Creep Factor. Add this to the things I miss about the Windy City...

At least he was passin it on !


Love saves, not kill (at least, that's what we hope for...)

Wouldn't be nice if, instead of bullets, guns only were able to shot flowers?


heart, originally uploaded by ViaMoi.

Involved by love... oh, boy... that really feels good!!!

All we are saying,

All we are saying,, originally uploaded by wiccked.

All we are saying,

is give peace a chance.

All we are saying is give peace a chance.
All we are saying is give peace a chance.

Woodland light trails

Woodland light trails, originally uploaded by michaelh02.

Looking for the light we will find the way!

Hijo de la luna

Hijo de la luna, originally uploaded by Moskitom.

I doesn't matter how dark it looks... There will ALWAYS hope and light in the dark...

Feb 26, 2008

circumscribe and trace...

circumscribe and trace..., originally uploaded by justonlysteve.

"...and you get a peace sign" is what justonlysteve says :)

It's late, the debate is over, TiVo style, and "Random Acts of Peace" is working on ! Go add one! Or two! Closing with, it's pretty cool that you can Make Peace with just four daisies!

Welcome to justonlysteve...and a good night to all.

Peace at Reading Rock Festival 2007

Love the blue. Love the tongue. Love the Peace Fingers, aura-ed. Love the pout. Love the peace...

Hey...we're looking for ONE MORE reason that John Lennon is a Peace Hero. Got one? Go fast over to the OMPS Discussion and put in your two cents...if we get more than the 10 we're asking for, we'll put 'em all up there...we're at nine I think...c'mon Lennonites...he's the real thing.

Thanks to In search of Syd...whose stuff we dig big.


Originally uploaded by daiseykat
I seem to be covering the graffiti theme....

This is one hip photo, so hip it could be an album cover-wait, IT IS.
This is Lady Daisey and actually, the photo MIGHT be the album cover. It's not definite yet. Then again, this is just info that I glean from flickr notes.

Lady Daisey-your Peace photo is pretty. What is your music like? I looked online for it and couldn't find any.

Well, here and OMPS we're letting you know what likeminded Peacers are up to-in this case-wearing funky cool dresses, making music and bringing the Peace!

Give a Hand for Peace Hero number 2, Oscar Schindler

Joe McCuaig gave us permission to publish this photo with our second Peace Hero piece on Audrey Stallings, his 3-year old grandaughter contributed the hands. Joe says it was a collaborative event. We figure Audrey just had a blast getting gooey with the paint :)
The photo accompanies a Peace Heroes story on Oscar and Emilie Schindler, written by Jacob Orman especially for OMPS. Thanks Jacob!
We figure it's time to rent "Schindler's List" again!
Got a Peace Hero? Do him (or her) an honor...write it down and send it in. Got a photo? Send that too...or we'll go look around the 8,000 or so Peace Sign Photos we have here on OMPS and we'll surprise you with one that goes with your story.

Tequila in her Veins?

myself for peace.
Originally uploaded by purple_onion
This flickr member, Purple Onion, posted her photo with the note that she was currently listening to '18 and life' by Skid Row.

It's for that reason, as well as her funky style and lip ring, that made me stop on this picture. I like her expression - seems like the kind of cat I'd want to hang out with and listen to early 80s hair rock.

I propose a series though - photo one, peace sign. photo two, lighter in the air. Photo three, head bang.


PEACE, originally uploaded by philippinepeace.signs.

Photo: Audrey Rojo [Friendster]

Woke up a little groggy, bit of a scratchy throat maybe, coffee taste quite right, and the first thing I had to deal with was a Phone Bill Question, (need an encrypted code that no one can break? Call Qwest)...
Sitting on hold for 7 minutes I decided to get a blog up on OMPS, so I went cruising the peace pix...and after about 2 minutes I wasn't nearly as cranky as I thought I was...after 5 minutes I was smiling, and when the Phone Bill Guy finally came on line I was downright cheery. Told him about OMPS. He says he's gonna check it out.

Hi Phone Bill Guy! Thanks for your help!

I picked this photo 'cuz there's just something about Group Peace Shots that gets me right in the heart :)

Peace...pass it on in groups, and give some to your Phone Bill Guy...they're people too.



Peace, originally uploaded by Robert Whitlock.

Peace flag in motion.

Here are some peace heroes to me:

flicker set, cick here

Robert says: "Peace activists in Olympia Washington came together in November of 2007 in an attempt to prevent the use of the municipal Port of Olympia to enable the illegal and immoral aggressive and belligerent war of occupation in Iraq.

"I participated in the actions, I submitted to arrest during a civil resistance road block. Several road blocks were effective in delaying the transport of military cargoes via the port.

"I believe that with more people, human blockades could and would be successful in completely preventing military cargoes via the port.

"I will continue to resist the unjust and improper war of occupation. I will continue to oppose the use of the municipal Port of Olympia as an enabler of military aggression.

"Please join PMR. Next time, we can be more successful in effectively preventing our own complicity. But we need each other."

For more information: click here

"peace" of snow

"peace" of snow, originally uploaded by breefriendly.


Feb 25, 2008


Originally uploaded by beachblogger42
Ok, this really freaks me out. I love the serendipity in the world. I "rescued" some unattended tealights from work, with the plan to video tape placing and lighting them in a Peace sign. And voila, here today on OMPS, I see a photo of it. Far out! Guess I better make the video tomorrow....

One thing I love about beachblogger-he's fast. This man is generating Peace at the um, speed of light.

So, he says, "happy fifty years to the peace symbol."
Happy Belated 50-not quite over the hill-Capitol Hill still needs to be climbed and have a Peace flag stuck in it. Nonetheless, it's an honorable bday and it officially happened February 21.

Fallen Soldier

Fallen Soldier COLOR, originally uploaded by Vince Brown (attila).

This one in from Vince Brown:
"Veterans Day, 2007. The military recognition for a fallen soldier. Helmet, Gun, Boots. The flowers were a nice touch. This photo was taken at Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, PA the day before Veterans Day."

This photo is available for print in his deviantART Shop...go check it out!

This from Zoey:
I searched around the pool for a Peace Pic that had something about the 2008 election, specifically, Ralph Nader's entry into the race...well, there weren't any Peace Photos about Nader so I picked this one to announce that the I of we thinks Nader is a pompous ass.

I'll probably tick some people off. I can take it.

Yeah, it'd be great to have more than 2 parties, but this particular election is too important to cast a vote symbolically. This is one we have to win. We the Thinkers. We the Liberals. We the Peace People.

Nader isn't the guy who's going to bring Peace. He's the guy who tells you that your car is a piece of crap. That's great. He's NOT the guy who should be running the country.

And since we're now averaging over 5,000 hits a day, I just wanted 5,000 people to read that I think Nader is a pompous ass.

Disagree? Feel free to hit the comment button.


people power

Originally uploaded by Gamma Infinity
anyone who feels deeply about patriotism and peace, probably feels the same way as these folks do. we all love our country but i have a feeling that many of us are pretty ashamed of the acts carried out in our name. we have the power to set things right. we have people power and we have people passion and both things should lead to peace.


call_congress-1130185, originally uploaded by beachblogger42.

call your representative and senators with these toll free numbers:

877 851-6437
866 338-1015
866 340-9281
800 614-2803

find your representative: click here
find your senator: click here

call 'em up just to talk or give them a 'peace' of your mind!

Feb 24, 2008


Originally uploaded by SReed99342
What??!! More Peace graffiti. It's in the minds, hearts and hands of people..popping up on walls, window, photos and Brooklyn, NY.

This seems to have become my theme as of late. I just love when people fill public space with positive, thought provoking messages....
Like SImon and Garfunkel say, ""The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls.."


Love Saves

Love Saves, originally uploaded by Perla*.

When love is love under perspective...
Love doesn't kill: it saves!

Sunset of love

Sunset of love, originally uploaded by gioischia.

What else can we hope for? :-)

Make Love, Not War

Make Love, Not War, originally uploaded by Perla*.

Yes, my friends, it's simple like that!
Let's live in PEACE!!!

Give a hand for PEACE

PEACE, originally uploaded by laughingoysterbabies.

If you're peaceful and you know it give a hand (Peace, Peace)
If you're peaceful and you know it give a hand (Peace, Peace)
If you're peaceful and you know it then you really oughta show it,
If you're peaceful and you know it give a hand (Peace, Peace)

You can take the girl outta summer camp, but you can never take the summer camp outta the just rears it's rah-rah head in different ways...

Peace! Peace!

nicole kidman and my hand

nicole kidman and my hand, originally uploaded by packing_sheet.

packing sheet says: "I took this picture on our school field trip...Many people were passing by, and it was really embarrasing, but it was worth it!!!! astig di ba?"

We say: YES! It was definitely worth it! And did you know when you took it that your fingers appear to be right in her nostrils? :) What's cool to me is that yeah, it's Nicole Kidman, and yeah, she's way bigger than lifesize, but still what really grabs the eye (mine...I speak for mine) is the Peace V...peace is the real "star" of this one...that's pretty great!

Peace now! Green Graffiti

I closed out the night with Peace graffiti, so I'll start the day with some!

Apparently, this was mowed into the hills at Herman Park, which google says is in Texas. Not sure if this is accurate, but Texas, home of the Prez, is a good place for it.

In fact, I can think of other good places to leave green graffiti. EVERY LAWN. Maybe I can help start that trend as I travel this summer. Maybe to earn cash for the Peace ride I can stop and mow lawns-with the condition that I get to leave a Peace sign.

Um, NOT JOKING. I'm gonna look into that!
We've got the first Peace hero, beachblogger-and as a tribute-I say yardblog!
Er, the pirate in me say YARdblog.

"I am Tony's Peace Hat...

"I am Tony's Peace Hat..., originally uploaded by Tony the Misfit.

"...and he takes me everywhere".

I have traveled far and near. I marched, protested, vigil-ed, discussed, persuaded, influenced, argued, explained, illustrated, taught, learned, fought and prayed.

I believe we can make this a better world if we want to, and if work at it together."

Welcome on board Tony the Misfit :)

Feb 23, 2008

Flea W

Flea W
Originally uploaded by rhaaga
How many revelations have been made in VW Bugs that quite possibly changed our future????

I love that someone still has their 'freak flag' flying-loud and proud!

George W. might have gone to the White House in a limo, but I propose he leave in this mobile. He needs some immersion therapy deep within the Peace culture.

So, if you look closely, you will see what caught my eye.
Lean in. Really, Lean in.

There is a sticker on the VW that says,
"Ever stop thinking, and forget to start again?"
Oh, must be time for sleeeeeeeeep. Ok, this Peace blogger has officially stopped thinking.

Que suenos con los angelitos......


Originally uploaded by yekimsipac
What an action shot! It's zippity-zow blam-o-jacks PEACE!

I don't know anything about the artist or the location-I just know it was taken one week ago and we've got it up now for you to see.

One of my pet peeves is bad graffiti. This one, however is brilliant!
People for Peace=Brilliant!

Security Mirror Peace

IMG_1112dy, originally uploaded by mikehedge.

That's what it is, right?
I figure it's in a record store (can we still call 'em that or does it have to be a CD store?) from the looks of it, and of course I wonder what albums ('cuz it looks like albums, of the cardboard wrapper type) the Peace Guy with the beanie is looking at.
I'm thinking it's some of those Current Peace Songs we've been blogging about :)
Thanks to mikehedge who must have been standing just below the security mirror, right? And of course we wonder what albums he was purusing...
Peace...pass it on!


Originally uploaded by Speak YOUR Peace

I might as well introduce myself to the community. I think about Peace all the time, that's why I'm here. I too am involved in a Peace project, completing an 18,000 mile ride, on a scooter, my route creating a Peace sign when I'm done. The most important thing I'm doing though, is talking to YOU. I approach thousands of people and ask them, "How do you define Peace?"
I just want to generate Peace and I think that happens the more that people think about it. Like you are here, and thanks for being here.

Check out the video I made yesterday and check out the post below this one to hear a really cool song. I want that song in my next video, it's a good protest song from my generation, finally.



Originally uploaded by imagepeace
Yes, We Will. Yes, We Are. Yes, Peace, Please.

Ya know, last summer when I decided to make the epic Peace ride, the idea of Peace appealed to me more than the actual sign. I found myself hesitant to put Peace signs all over everything. Why? Maybe because the Peace sign has a lot of "poppy fluff" associated with it.
But, it's not a trend. It's a simple symbol that represents a really difficult concept. While my actions were Peace driven, (bad pun) I didn't have a lot of "Peace gear." At least, not at the beginning of the ride....but by the end...I sure did...thanks to all for all the kind gifts.

This website inspires me, it's cool to help out with such a wonderful space. I see all these pictures of the sign itself, and I gotta say, it's growing on me like never before.

This one here...I want to lick it...Peace pops! Go on, look at it, it looks like a big sucker, the kind you would pulll on your parents leg to get. "C'mon moooooom, buy it for me." If that were a sucker, I would need some friends to share it with!


protest songs for zoey

bring them home now
Originally uploaded by betmo
"I called up my state senator
They said he wasn't there
The secretary took my name
And man she sounded scared
So I counted my misfortunes
I added up the blame
I picked through all the garbage
I checked off all the names"

Feb 22, 2008

Where Have All the Protest Songs Gone?

That's what I wanna know! And I think it'd make a great New Yorker article...but I think everything would make a great New Yorker article...or Rolling Stone...maybe Rolling Stone...

For those of us who missed all the great protest tunes and tuners of the 60's, or caught up with it all way later, we'd like our own Peace Music! We have the War for it...and the Hate...and the Intolerance. Surely there should be some good notes coming out of it all.

betmo got me thinking about US Peace Songs...and I come up with good anti-war artists...James McMurtrey is a super is Steve Earle...Neil Young...and any and all remakes of "Peace Train"...yes, the Cat Stevens version too. But PEACE songs...where are they? I've still got Kumbuya in my head.

This pic has me thinking that like lots of other Good Things, US Peace Songs may have gone across the ocean...and that's fine..I'm a One World kind o' gal...your song is my song and all that

dereck von calls this Photo:
"Love, Peace and Poetry: Asian Psychedelic Music"
artist: various artists
title: Love, Peace and Poetry: Asian Psychedelic Music
label: Normal
country: Germany
date: probably 2000
Incredibly great and obscure tracks by the likes of Erkin Koray, Hur-El, Confusions and much more.

"Wild Horses" in my ears, "Kumbuya" in my heart

Peace, Love, Music, HIGHWAY! HIGHWAY!

Originally uploaded by

It's with this highly irresponsible peace-sign flash that I introduce myself as a new poster here at One Million Peace Signs.

Sure, I'm on the highway, clearly with a passenger, and my line of vision is nowhere near the road ... but look! My nails are done.

I'm truly psyched to have the chance to write for this hip blog, and to help spread the peace and love vibe. A little about me ... I grew up in a surfin' town on Cape Cod. I identify as a writer and a musician, but I haven't been paid to do the latter in about six years, so make your own decision. My Real Job is as a writer for a business magazine, and I also freelance in travel, culture, and the arts. It's a great gig; you can read about it here if you want.

In my free time, I listen to music, pop wine corks with my friends, run, photograph, cook, and kayak -- my 11.5 Acadia Perception has a peace flag on the back:

I love all things vintage, and if I'm not shopping, I'm finding new ways to make old things cool in my house.

Take, for instance, the silver peace pendant on a black cord I've had since high school ... I just found a new spot for it on the corner of a mirror. When I hung it, I remembered a moment from my past -- I was in Boston with friends, attending a performance at the Berklee School of Music. I had a great green dress on, and as an after-thought, I'd thrown my peace sign on.

One friend noticed it and said, "Haven't seen a peace necklace in a while ... it's kinda five years ago, no?"

I, however, don't think peace, nor the sign, ever goes out of style, but I'll nix 'form over function' and the debates thereon the next time I'm on the I-91. No worries.

make love not war

make love not war
Originally uploaded by mimpy
this picture makes me think of the 1960's. i wasn't born until the 1970's but those folks changed history!!!! they took to the streets and took on the warmongers and generally scared the crap out of the establishment. this time around- not so much. in america, there are designated 'protest areas' now and you have to apply for a permit in order to protest in them! somehow, i think john lennon would have taken it on head on.


Originally uploaded by Niffty
Cheers Zoey-here's to Peace Pals!

I never noticed how much resemblance there is between them...until now.

Most Eggselent picture from Niffty.

he's got the whole world

he's got the whole world, originally uploaded by Tiny Dancer Em. mini-theme (to quote our dear hotash) for the day is Peace Pals :) Here's a Fresh Foto that appeared in the pool less than 10 minutes's from Tiny Dancer Em. You've seen her Peace Pix...sometimes in braids, sometimes with pictures of teeth on her Tshirt (still wondering about that one Em...) and sometimes as a Litle Peace Girl on Halloween, tripping over her Peace Beads :) She dances too...with Peace Sign Fingers! Now THAT'S coordination!!!

This one's for's a Dallas, TX picture...and we ARE one world! For goodness sake, let's try to make it Peaceful!

Explosive Peace

Explosive Peace
Originally uploaded by corsec67
corsec67 says,
".243 Cartridges
I didn't make this with a deeper meaning in mind, I was just going for something kind of ironic."

Photo is really well done. I'm into people making Peace signs out of any and everything. Just wish there were no bullets to use-but, hey, as long as there are, MAKE PEACE WITH 'EM!

Not a parent, not yet, but I know toy guns aren't gonna be around the house. Anyone invented a 'peace gun'? Maybe Nerf could, the peace automatic....shoots little, squishy, bright peace signs at the target.
errr.....maybe not...but still
It's great photo!

One Million Peace Signs on YouTube!