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Jan 29, 2008


blue., originally uploaded by actionafternoon.

Along the "Peace is Blue" theme, here's actionafternoon's first contribution to the OMPS project, and it's one that we all like a lot...

Initial thoughts were that the blue came from a "peace" of pool cue's got that hue about we're thinkin' paint, and we're wondering where the rest of the blue paint is...and why it's missing from the finger pads...and is that YOU actionafternoon, thru the V? What side of the camera are you on?

A picture is never Just a picture...there's always a story....

PEACE! And welcome to you! And pass it on!

1 comment:

  1. i was finger painting a sea, and i guess the pressure on the pads of my fingers kept the paint away :)

    cue chalk? that sounds cool,

    and yeah that's me,
    my camera's on timer in this one!

    thanks guys, i hope to submit more very soon!


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