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Jan 6, 2009

Peace Games

Imagine, originally uploaded by SwitchOn.

This is the only kind of game playing when it comes to Peace...SwitchOn says it "makes at least 1000 points". Yep...I'd have to agree :)

I saw a very cool Tshirt on a very cool girl down at the Wheaterville Safeway store tonite...and where was my camera? Not with me...I gave her a card, told her to check out the site and the blog...yoo hoo! Girl with the Peace Tee! You and yer pal gotta take a coupla Peace Pix and put 'em up the world that there IS peace in Wheaterville!

What's a Wheaterville?
Mmmmm Mmmmm good...

1 comment:

  1. is a riot. I thought it was a joke but it's a real place. Where's teh girl with the peace shirt?


One Million Peace Signs on YouTube!