This is from RobQuevedo...he's a male nurse. Navy Veteran, two Iraq tours. "14 days without a shower here" he says below this photo.
This is from us: We see so many Faces of many beautiful Peace many pleas for Peace, protests about the lack of Peace, flags and fun and fingers and food for and toys and pets for peace...this photo brings home what it's all really about. We salute you RobQuevedo, and we hope if you're not home right now, you get there soon! Keep in touch...and we'll keep passing peace your way, 'k?
zoey et al
Jan 31, 2008
OK...I'm goin' out on a limb here when I say that once again, even with all the er, action in this pic, the eye still goes right to the two finger V sign being made by the Guy With The Hair...and the random other Peace Fingers being thrown by, you may not all agree with fact, many eyes may be drawn to other things...but for me that Peace Sign grabs me...honest. Hmmm.....I suppose it could also be that he seems to the only guy, and the only person with a shirt on...well, Peace Out Cub Scout!
From johilton: Thanks to PDX Beanie!!
Beanies Rock!
From Us: You rock! And we pass the V salut rightbackatcha!
zoey et al
gangstas for life!
Michael and Michele...submitted by Jenny Lewelling...and we are all so down wit'chas, uh-huh, pass me some A&W, and hold the ice...
Peace man
We see: Eastern New Mexico University on the Tshirt...but our photographer is from Graz, Austria...someone fill us this really a double peace sign or is he ordering 4 pints of weissbier?
If it's 4 pints, order me a bag of's been one of those days...I'm on my way...
Thanks for adding your pix to the mix!
Peace Is Not An Illusion
From Vermont Ferret:
"Peace Is Not An Illusion" cut into what looks like corrugated steel, installed outside the Crawford Peace House. Taken from my seat on the bus as we rolled past.
We...are Vermont Ferret's wonderful photos, and we congratulate him and Maggie and wish them a most wonderful next 32 years...together :)
(We love a good romance with a happy, peace-full ending!)
simply peace.
PhotoGraham says:
"simply peace.
i'm sick of comments on the "sky+sun+light=love" picture.
i like making peace signs.
new buddy icon too!"
We say:
Welcome PhotoGraham...we promise to try and not make you sick in any way...and we LOVE making peace signs and having peace signs made back at you are hereby getting one flashed right backatcha in stereo...oops...Clark joined in...triplicate...and back to work I go...
3gs peace out in AK
~~Janet Tallarigo Murphy © 2007~~~
Neat Peace :) How 'bout the fact that in this vast, majestic scenery the Peace V in slender fingers grabs the eye and the shot? Peace is pretty powerful...even in small doses!
Thanks for that!
...And did anyone else notice that the Cost of the Iraq War ticker to the right (the cost in dollars, which is just one way of measuring the cost obviously) moved out of the $480's and into the $490's since yesterday? It's a jolt to see that...a wretch....a yank....a yuck.
Visualize Peace - Day 28
we love what staytunedradio writes we're not saying anything else at all :)
Here it is from staytunedradio :
"I've done a couple of peace photos so far in this project. Tonight I noticed that I have a bunch of peace signs throughout my house. I knew they were there but tonight I guess I really noticed them more.
I've got a sticker on my front door window, another on my bathroom mirror, I've got numerous bookmarks and a small crystal cube. I've got the word "peace' in a frame on my wall. Heck, I even have a small cutout of Santa flashing the peace sign - he's set on top of a poster I have of Martin Luther King. I've got posters of my heroes on my office wall . . . MLK, Gandhi, John & Yoko and Jim Henson all share space in my home.
I guess I've given myself reminders galore - most I'm afraid to say, I ignore daily. I get caught in my everyday struggles and start judging others that don't see things the way I do. I sometimes see no peace at all in a world gone mad.
I hope in those times, like now, I recognize that peace is not a thing that "happens" to people. It's not something I can grab onto, I can't share it with my loved ones and I can't force it on my enemies. Peace is a force and a gentle stillness that lies within me. It is clarity in a cloudy sky. It is constant, steady, unwavering and true . . . and it is real.
It is mine - - always. I just need remember to see it."
Children for Peace
from awe2020:
"Students from an Islamic school in Malaysia, while waiting to perform a prayer"
from us:
THANK YOU! What a strong image for us all to keep in mind! The world wants's not just us :)
Peace to Houston, a "found message"
says Liz Henry: Bulletin board of postcards at Flickr fiesta
says we: This is one of those times you smile and marvel at how you can find Peace in strange places, at times when you're not looking, and squonched in between lots of things that have nothing to do with it at all :)
Thanks Liz Henry! Welcome to the Project that'll have you seeing Peace around every corner...we even dream in peace symbols lately!
zoey et al
Free Burma!
From chrstlbllgn: "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
-- John Lennon
Do something now!
Post a red photo for Burma.
Make your buddy icon RED for Burma, too. ---*Please sign the Darfur Petition, too.*
From zoey: A plug for Burma...and peace to all :)
PEACE SIGN from Rock2Rye
Thursday...I am WAY WAY late on getting blog one up there, and feeling like a slacker for not hitting at least 14 is NOT for lack of pictures or lack of enthusiasm or lack of anything except TIME.
We at weboing are under a huge Real World deadline and all the forces of peace have been commissioned to attend this mandatory Crunch Cram time...please be patient with us!
You can keep adding all the photos you want...we WILL catch up!!!
See you you all...thanks to all! and Peace...PLEASE!!! Peace!!!!
This is Rye's nephew Kurt...Rye's our Language Guy...check out his discussions in the group and ADD Peace in YOUR language! Anyone know how to say Peace in Yanomamo?
Jan 30, 2008
Peace Cheese!
Wrap my head in a glob of multi-colored Peace and I'll smile like this too :)
Thanks Holly! ANd you and your photos too!
Big Peace
Hey! It looks like he's playing Peace-opoly!
Peace to you, and thanks for the photo, and welcome to the OMPS Project...stay tuned and you too will soon be dreaming in Peace Signs and Smiles...'tis lovely!
Headbangers For Peace!
OK, I'm for whatever Headbangers are for :)
Off of blue, but not really for lack of Blue Peace...we like the Theme Oriented Peace Photos but decided we'll do them by the yesterday was Blue, today we're back to willy-nilly anything goes...and tomorrow....ah, who knows?
thanks iambicpentameter...hmmm...I don't think I've typed that since some college Shakespeare class :)
Welcome to the project!
Self portrait with a short tripod
we say: kd krazyface kicks off the day...Thanks and WElcome! should we continue with the Blue Theme?
We could...this one is pretty blue....let's see what falls into our lap this morning as we blog....more blue means keep it up....and then we'll pick another theme later in the week because we have a lot of GREAT photos coming in!
John Edwards just dropped out of the race. I am officially Blue, says Zoey.
Jan 29, 2008
safoocat says: "...seen on a trash can at New Leaf Market Felton, CA"
Why can't we all just...coexist?
Here's your sign! (Photo by DJ)
From DLTbluefrog "My message to all. I grossly under estimated the time, food coloring and to quote Arlo Guthrie..."implements of destruction" needed to do this job. It is approximately 120 Ft in circumference. I started out with a hand spray bottle....NOT! And it took a hell of a lot more food coloring than I thought I would need. It is between Exit 6-7 on RT 3 North in Nashua. Well anyway take my message to heart please! It was fun and cold... 25 degrees. Photo credit goes to DJ my 10 year old son. He kept asking me... "Isn't this illegal or somethin dad?" Question authority son..."
We are thrilled to add this Blue Peace to the the day...and that is a two finger v being sent out too folks....and we salute and bow to DLTbluefrog for teaching his boy to Question Authority in such a wonderful, beautiful, peace-ful way!!! Thanks guys!
Zoey et al
Fingers for Peace
"it's perfect. It's like the essence of my soul." -Amanda's Review
"It's your best picture yet. I give it 5 stars! " -Amanda's Second Review
"It's beautiful. It's awesome. It's a masterpiece. I love the eye thing. It's magnificent." -Amanda's THIRD Review
"Now don't say anything else good about it." -Kate
"I said I like the cape!" -Amanda
And WE say! Yea! It's Blue! We like the cape too :)
Peaceful Blue Smile
Junko Fukuda, in blue, gives a grin, and a peace sign.
If that makes no sense to you whatsoever, keep on reading today's blog entries...we got "Blue" and we're stayin' that way as long as it's easy :)
Who's actually rarely blue :)
And once again...all we gotta do is ask...and tantanta-rah...we have peace of the deep blue kind. Thanks for this one AND for the others you sent...and for jumping on board the OMPS, boat...well, raft at least :)
How blue can we go?
Peace is Blue Four
Are you blue yet? We're tryin' :) Blue in a Good way...Blue Peace Blue...
This one from derAmialtebloede: Scene from the United for Peace Iraq Anti-War Rally on the National Mall, Jan 27, 2007
Happy wall
We say: Happy BLUE Peace wall...including the word "blue"...and no we di'nt PhotoShop that word in was there from nariposa, who we already like just from looking at the very cool photostream of Music People in there....sing us a tune nariposa!
Angel of Peace
Peace Blue of course...wonder how long we can keep this up?
Says SaintTobias: "This statue is situated on the seafront in Brighton. It depicts holding an orb and an olive branch, it is a memorial to Edward VII, The Peacemaker."
Peace is Blue part Three suddenly we have this Blue Peace Theme just sorta happened...I'm poking around the OMPS pix and my eyes dart from Blue to Blue to Blue...I'm not going to force the theme, but I will continue to gently pursue if you're holding back some Blue Peace now would be the time to add it to the OMPS group..if it's bloggable, you'll become part of the Blue Peace Chain :)
This one is from writerjax, who mentioned us on her very fab blog...we thank you!
We send you now to writerjax blog, which we's good stuff...enjoy!
Along the "Peace is Blue" theme, here's actionafternoon's first contribution to the OMPS project, and it's one that we all like a lot...
Initial thoughts were that the blue came from a "peace" of pool cue's got that hue about we're thinkin' paint, and we're wondering where the rest of the blue paint is...and why it's missing from the finger pads...and is that YOU actionafternoon, thru the V? What side of the camera are you on?
A picture is never Just a picture...there's always a story....
PEACE! And welcome to you! And pass it on!
Peace from Gia & Ampao
tirong explains:
Hataw Hanep Hero 2007
SM X Convention Center
Pasay City, Philippines
02 December 2007
Rock2Rye has been out inviting folks to the OMPS project...I believe this is our very first evidence that sometimes Peace has BluePurple Hair...really beautiful color! And this photo also proves once again, that Peace Smiles, and smiles big :)
Thanks and Peace to all involved in getting this photo to the project!
zoey et al
Everet school float
"Hey, " we say..."Peace Floats!"
And we wonder : "Where's Everet? What was the float for? Whose idea was it?"
We like to see Peace on wheels, cruising thru town, with Peace People dancing on top...we imagine "Imagine" blaring from speakers, and lots of tie-dyed Ts....we smile :)
PEACE - 33
Peace and rabbit ears and "how do you do that big bro?" We think Triple Peace is a beautiful thing :)
Jan 28, 2008
Teaching the important stuff to kids...PEACE and how to pass it around :)
Thanks for the lesson melindap!
We'll pass it on!
Ways to spread the word
A very cool way to Pass on Peace from Alix: "
Visual space. Pollution. Why not fill as much space with positive messages? Try to write Peace messages on all my mail. Inexpensive, effective way to spread love and light. Little things add up."
We agree! Cool idea...what about getting a bunch of stickers made up with your fave Peace Quote and sticking them on the back of letters, bills, etc....Maybe we have a Peace Artist around here who'd come up with an example and we could flood VistaPrint with some Peace Label the meantime, we'll pull out the Sharpies :)
The Yellow Submarine
James Patterson sent in this pic of John Lennon's 1965 Rolls-Royce
So...there's no visible Peace Sign on this photo, but hey, how can you think John Lennon, or Yellow Submarine and NOT consider it a Sign of Peace ?
Pass it on...
peace salad w/chips
Peace is food for thought and tummy...and this looks yummy...
flickr folks, check out javgirlsd very Peaceful Group "Peace, Love and Yellow" for more peace and lots of love and buckets of yellow!
Peace Sign Recycled Card
All contributed content © This Is It! Creations
Yea! We got more Peace Art of the Recycled Variety!
Pass it on!
zoey et al
Finally, Peace Between the North and South
"Imagine that..." says Cakeight!
Anyone know where this sign is located or the story behind it? Wonder if the signmaker got a chuckle out of it when s/he was making it :)
zoey et al
We remain touched by the number of young smiling faces passing on confident Peace Signs for cameras...what are behind eyes like these?!?
Peace, we pass on back to you little man!
zoey et al
I love peace
from d0b13
"I like this light.
Except it isn't a light anymore.
Now it's a tree.
A tree of peace and rainbows..and recycling.
I love rainbows, I love peace."
from us:
so do we! Pass it on to someone!
Beachblogger sent this in:
Susan sent this pic from Poway.
Today was a VERY good day! Traffic was fairly light, but honks and other positives were many ... greatly increased by Ellen's "Honk for Peace" sign, and the fact that we had people on all four corners, (and "Chuck" honking, of course!) It was cool and windy, but NO RAIN during our rally.
We had 20 people ... and two were new.
I want to once again mention this excerpt from Barb's comments last week, about what people in the vehicles passing by are thinking. Forgetting the negative thoughts that might exist, maybe there are some thinking this as they read our signs, and especially when they see our large group in inclement weather:
"There are people out here who are thinking what I am thinking." That is enormously comforting to people. To see us here week after week after week, staunch and unmoving, has to multiply the comfort effect tenfold. They know we are not summer soldiers on this.
Love that thought.
Emi Shimano peace #2
Monday Morning Peace...was a tad delayed...hope all made it thru the beginning of the am peacefully!
zoey...frazzled, but peacefully so
Jan 27, 2008
Madison's Copy Of Volume 3 Of Jean Nicolas Démeunier's Économie Politique Et Diplomatique, As Depicted By Sculptor Walter Kirtland Hancock In The Library Of Congress James Madison Memorial Hall (Washington, DC)

Madison's Copy Of Volume 3 Of Jean Nicolas Démeunier's Économie Politique Et Diplomatique, As Depicted By Sculptor Walter Kirtland Hancock In The Library Of Congress James Madison Memorial Hall (Washington, DC), originally uploaded by takomabibelot.
takomabibelot comments :
Perhaps open to Thomas Jefferson's contribution, "États Unis de l'Amérique"?
My favorite of the eight Madison quotes inscribed on the walls of the room:
"War contains so much folly, as well as wickedness, that much is to be hoped from the progress of reason, and if anything is to be hoped, every thing ought to be tried."
-- According to Bartelby, this is from his “Universal Peace,” National Gazette, February 2, 1792.—The Writings of James Madison, ed. Gaillard Hunt, vol. 6, pp. 88–89 (1906).
We comment: We'll leave you with that to chew on this Sunday evening...'cuz even peace zealots need their beauty sleep, and we are in need... :) PEACE to you all! What a great week of photos!!
peace sign matchbox
jacky-coisasdela says :
"I saw at funky luke's flickr many sign peaces and here is my contribution for the one million peace signs campaign."
We say:
Groovy Cool jacky-coisasdela! funkyluke is a Peace-spiration isn't she ?
We look forward to more from you...'cuz we're greedy li'l peaceniks :) But it's all for a good cause!